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Dental Implants in Frankston

dental implant illustrationDental implants are biocompatible restorations that mimic the design of natural tooth roots. If you have missing teeth, the implant design allows us to permanently affix restorations such as:

  • Single tooth crowns
  • Multi-tooth bridges
  • Implant retained dentures
  • Removable overdentures
Depending on your needs and preferences, retained dentures can be permanently fixed in place or removable (“snap on”) with as few as two to four implants for stabilisation.

smiling person sitting in dental chair

What to Expect

Getting dental implants is easier than you may think! Having the implant placed is a relatively comfortable procedure that can be done using a small amount of local anaesthetic. If the tooth is already missing, we create an opening in the gums and set the artificial root directly into the bone. Any teeth that need to be extracted may possibly require a healing period before implant surgery.

After the implant is set, the area is allowed to heal and new bone integrate around the restoration, fusing it into place. Next, we permanently attach the restoration (crown, denture, etc.) on top of the implant abutment.

A Smart Investment in Your Smile

Today’s dental implants are a lifelong investment, having an extremely high success rate and predictable outcome for our patients. Additionally, implants are healthier for your mouth overall, as they are noninvasive to other teeth and help preserve the bone that makes up your facial profile. You can expect your new implants to last for decades, if not your entire life.

Candidates for implant therapy need to be over 18 years of age, with generally good overall health. We recommend giving up smoking and tobacco use, as these can delay healing and integration of the implant with your body.

Want to Learn More?

Ready to find out if implants are right for you? Book a consultation with our family dentists for more information.



Dental Implants Frankston VIC | (03) 9770 6069